Is Subsequence python solution

392. Is Subsequence


Problem Overview

The problem asks us to check if string s is a subsequence of string t. A subsequence means we should be able to find all characters of s within t while maintaining their original order.

Approach to Solve the Problem

The solution involves the following steps:

  1. Initialize Pointers: Create pointers for both strings s and t.
  2. Traverse t: Use the pointer for t to iterate through each character.
  3. Match Characters: For each character in t, check if it matches the current character in s.
  4. Advance Pointer for s: If there’s a match, move the pointer for s to the next character.
  5. Return Result: If the pointer for s reaches the end of s, it means all characters were found in order, so return True. If we finish t without matching all characters of s, return False.

This approach is efficient as it traverses each string only once.

Step-by-Step Solution Explanation

  1. Initialize Pointers

    • Set a found counter to track matched characters in s. • Initialize a pointer x for t.

  2. Traverse t to Match Characters

    • For each character i in s, use a loop to find i in t. • Move x through t until t[x] matches i or the end of t is reached.

for i in s:
    while x < len(t) and t[x] != i:
        x += 1
  1. Track Matches

    • If i is found in t (i.e., x is within bounds), increment both found and x.
    • If not found, break the loop ascs is not a subsequence of t.
    if x < len(t): 
        x += 1 
        found += 1
  1. Check If All Characters Were Found

    • After looping, check if found equals the length of s to determine if s is a subsequence of t.

return found == len(s)

Full Solution Code:

class Solution:
    def isSubsequence(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
        found = 0
        x = 0
        for i in s:
            while x < len(t) and t[x] != i:
                x += 1  
            if x < len(t): 
                x += 1 
                found += 1
        return found == len(s)

Example Walkthrough:

  • Input: s = “abc”, t = “ahbgdc”
  • Process:
  • t is traversed, and s characters are found in the correct order.
  • s characters (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’) match in sequence within t.
  • Output: True

Complexity Analysis: - Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of t, as t is traversed at most once. - Space Complexity: O(1), because we use a constant amount of space for pointers.

This approach is optimal for checking subsequences in large strings due to its linear time complexity.

💡Extra: Get all my LeetCode solutions from this repo: LeetCode 🧑🏻‍💻

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